Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What The...?

Every day around this time (it's about 4:30...give or take) my ears get hot. And when they get hot they get red.
I don't get it.
I'm not stressed.
...or embarrassed.
I exercise...on a semi-regular basis (which is of no particular interest to you...but I felt better saying it)
I had coffee...but it was this morning, now I'm on the water...so it's not a result of some caffeine high...

Some people would probably giggle and say "someones thinking about you..."
And I'd say "Ya...it's Ryan...and he's wondering what I'm making him for supper"

But I still have red, hot ears.

Over the years I've learned to listen to my body...because it can tell me a lot. Of course there's the obvious stuff: I'm hungry, I'm tired...yadda, yadda, yadda...
There is also the less obvious stuff:
-I'm not getting enough water (I don't really get thirsty...more of a weird nauseous feeling)
-Mu blood sugar is too high (I feel "wingy"...don't ask...)
-My blood sugar is too low (I feel like I'm really drowsy)
-Too much lying around (my back gets achey)
-I've pushed myself too hard while exercising and my muscles aren't getting enough oxygen (stomach cramps that occur after I've cooled down...they aren't much fun.)

But try as I might I can't figure out the hot, red ear thing.
Is my body just trying to tell me I'm a nut?

...hmmmm...it IS a strong possiblilty...



Angela said...

Geepers - I don't know what would cause red ears. . . it could be that you're tired? Probably at that time of day, you're body is trying to tell you something . . . something that is causing blood to rush to your head. . .

Anyways - I hope you have a better camping trip than you had last year - and be sure to bring along a lot of extra clothes. I have a hard time believing that it will be cold in Ontario at this time of year!

Ryan And Kath said...

Ya...maybe...I'm getting them again today...strange.

Thanks (on the camping bit)...it does cool off quite a bit in August...odd I know...