Saturday, February 17, 2007

"Snow Day" is a relative term happened...the storm of the winter (well...until the next storm of the winter hits). The weather channels had predicted it, my friends and co-workers shuddered at the impending doom and Ryan and I sat back and said "How bad can it be?"
Heh heh heh...
During breakfast I heard cancellation after cancellation over the radio...of course I had to go to work!
This is when I thought maybe the weather man had been right about this prediction.
As I opened the front door to go to work that Wednesday morning I had to push the snow aside so I could actually get out. I then proceeded to wade through the snow out to the car and spent the next 15 minutes brushing the car off.
In some areas the drifts were up to my knees!
My usual five minute drive to work was an interesting one...I didn't make a full stop the whole drive. This was because I was genuinely concerned that if I did manage to stop the car I would never coax it to move again (and be forced to spend the next four hours in the middle of the road waiting for CAA to show up!).
I couldn't believe how much snow we had. My work parking lot wasn't plowed and there was a big drift in front of the front door...sigh...what a battle that was.
Needless to say it was pretty dead at work. I managed to make it home for lunch and back to work again (almost got stuck in my driveway...quite another adventure).
After much convincing my boss let us leave early much to my was stressful knowing the snow was piling up and I was at work!
Ryan shoveled for two hours after work...he did a good job though! We have a corner lot so there is extra sidewalk (this even after someone was nice enough to do our front side walk). Ryan even ended up having to shovel several hours later because the snow just wouldn't stop.

So...we've now had a snow day...not in the way I used to define them as a kid...but a snow day none the less. Remember when you used to live for snow days?

I can't wait until summer.


Heidi said...

We must have basically been on at the same time. One second hockey was first post, after commenting there was a new post for me. I ended up having a wee bit more time before my party so I came back and read up (love your mosaics). Is it okay if I link you??

Angela said...

Yaaaa! I'm so happy you found me! Was it through Heidi's blog? I've connected with so many old friends because of her - thank you Heidi!
I've added you as a myspace "friend" too. It's fun, ey?
It sounds like it's super cold out there! I hate winter too! Things have just started warming up here a bit in BC and I'm lovin' it. Can't wait for summer. I also just have to say - I'm SO happy you and Ryan got married. I know it's a bit of a late congrats, but I always thought you two were the cutest couple at Bethany and I'm just so thrilled to know that it worked out for you both. Yaaaa!!! I'll enjoy keeping up with your life. (I have crazy cats too)

Janelle said...

wow! sounds like you might as well be living here! :)