Saturday, February 3, 2007

Putting the Pieces Together

Okay...Ryan is at hockey so here is my chance to blog about me!
It's funny...when people ask if I have hobbies I don't really know what to say. If I say yes, then I want to give a simple answer like: tennis, knitting or puzzles. If I say no then it sounds like all I do is eat, sleep and work.
If you know me you know I am much busier than simply eating, sleeping and working. You also know I can never give a simple is a blog about my favourite hobby. (other than reading, roller blading, horseback riding and snacking...and any craft that Martha Stewart comes up with)
I love to create tile Mosaics!
Here are my latest creations:


Dragon Fly

Oak Leaf

(oops...I don't have a picture of the finished product!)

Bluebells Mirror

(special request of my parents)

I have a few others that I didn't get pictures of because I gave them as gifts.
Maybe one of these days I can do this full time and sell them. Wow...that would be so much fun!

1 comment:

Janelle said...

ok - for some reason my bloglines doesn't update when you've posted, so i guess i just need to check myself!
i totally think you should sell them! they are beautiful! i didn't see that leaf table when we were over, but i think it's my favorite - it's gorgeous!
you are one talented girlie!