Sunday, February 25, 2007

Who am I?

I am a(n)...

A Best Friend
Pet Owner
Bit Of A Party Girl
Home Owner
Resume Reference
Listener times (oops!)
Care Giver
Coffee Lover

Love Kath

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hi-Ho,'s off to work I go! La La La La...

I love my job.
I work for a small business called: Windmill HVAC Supply.
We don't sell windmills (although I do get calls about that...and for good reason).
HVAC stands for: Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning.
Windmill HVAC Supply sells all the products needed to move Natural Gas from the underground main up to a building and inside.
-Underground Pipe
-Abovegound Pipe
-Ball Valves
-Air Conditioners
-Water Heaters
We are a whole sale company.
We don't sell to the public (whew!)
Why? Because you need to be licenced to work with anything to do with Natural Gas, Oil and Refrigerant since they're volatile substances.
We sell to contractors who then deal with the public.
All of my co-workers are men (except Shelley and she's part time).
All of my customers are men.
Most of my vendors are men.
Why do I love my job?
I love the challenge of learning new things everyday.
I love the challenge of working in a field that doesn't have a lot of women in it.
I love the challenge of co-ordinating our purchasing and sales and customer service issues.
I love the customers...they are all such characters and most are regulars who I see every couple of days.
I love that we're a small business becasue I get to provide customer service, invoicing, quotes, purchasing, inventory, dispatch, warranties, marketing, some training and even help in providing technical help from time to time.
I love helping in the warehouse when we're short staffed.
I love being a part of a close knit team that works hard to make the business run smooth.
I love that my boss isn't one to look over my shoulder every five minutes...he trusts me to get the job done.
I love my co-workers...they can really make me laugh!
oh...and also the fact that Ryan does the same thing but for a much larger company so...on some levels we're competitors!!!
Makes for interesting dinner conversation.
Love Kath

Monday, February 19, 2007

How TV Helped MeDiscover Reading Again

Okay so...after elementary school, high school...Bethany...Brock university...I had pretty much had it with reading. There was so much compulsory reading to be done that I had no desire to read for fun anymore. Ever.
Until lately...
Let me explain
I'm hooked on a couple of TV shows:
The Office

It's true.
I will even change plans so I can be home to watch these shows (I know..I know...confessions of an addict...sigh).

Because I love these shows so much I've been spoiled and all other TV just isn't as I read.

I've just finished all four books by Dan Brown (I know these books have their critics but I found them interesting reads):
The DaVinci Code
Angels and Demons
Digital Fortress
Deception Point

Love Kath...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

"Snow Day" is a relative term happened...the storm of the winter (well...until the next storm of the winter hits). The weather channels had predicted it, my friends and co-workers shuddered at the impending doom and Ryan and I sat back and said "How bad can it be?"
Heh heh heh...
During breakfast I heard cancellation after cancellation over the radio...of course I had to go to work!
This is when I thought maybe the weather man had been right about this prediction.
As I opened the front door to go to work that Wednesday morning I had to push the snow aside so I could actually get out. I then proceeded to wade through the snow out to the car and spent the next 15 minutes brushing the car off.
In some areas the drifts were up to my knees!
My usual five minute drive to work was an interesting one...I didn't make a full stop the whole drive. This was because I was genuinely concerned that if I did manage to stop the car I would never coax it to move again (and be forced to spend the next four hours in the middle of the road waiting for CAA to show up!).
I couldn't believe how much snow we had. My work parking lot wasn't plowed and there was a big drift in front of the front door...sigh...what a battle that was.
Needless to say it was pretty dead at work. I managed to make it home for lunch and back to work again (almost got stuck in my driveway...quite another adventure).
After much convincing my boss let us leave early much to my was stressful knowing the snow was piling up and I was at work!
Ryan shoveled for two hours after work...he did a good job though! We have a corner lot so there is extra sidewalk (this even after someone was nice enough to do our front side walk). Ryan even ended up having to shovel several hours later because the snow just wouldn't stop.

So...we've now had a snow day...not in the way I used to define them as a kid...but a snow day none the less. Remember when you used to live for snow days?

I can't wait until summer.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Hockey Night in Buffalo

What a night! I (Ryan) just got in from a great NHL game in Buffalo where I finally got to see my Flames live in action. This could be a preview of a Stanley Cup Final matchup. Tickets for this game were next to impossible to get, but I did get 2 pairs for me and a couple buddies. The way the Sabres have been playing combined with the fact that the Flames haven't been in Buffalo since 2001 made for a great atmosphere at the HSBC Arena. Hundreds of Flames fans were out in their team colors, some sections of the arena looked like a mini version of the "sea of red" you see at the Saddledome! We made sure we got to the rink early enough to catch warm-ups, I secured a spot right on the rail where the Flames come out of the room and get on the ice, got some great pics. I love watching the warm-ups right at ice level, you can really see the size and skills of these guys. We were cheering hard for Phaneuf all night to unload his big cannon from the point, or to level someone with one of his famous body checks. The game was also special for me as I got to see an old classmate of mine, Jeff Friesen, who plays for the Flames, unfortunately I couldn't get his attention during warm-ups, oh well, it was nice to see him play again. The game itself was worth every penny, the Flames had a 1 goal lead with about 3 minutes left in the 3rd, when Briere tied it up, leading to OT. OT solved nothing, bringing all 19000 fans to their feet for a little bit o' shoot-out action. Unfortunately Calgary's record when going into a shootout isn't in their favor. Miller stopped all 3 Flames shooters (where was Iginla in the selection?) and Kotalik got one past Kiprusoff for the Sabres victory. Kipper came up big all game, too bad the offense didn't get one more to help him get a much deserved victory. Oh well, hopefully we will see this matchup again in the playofffs, if so, I may have to re-mortgage the house to get a pair of tickets.


Monday, February 5, 2007

Dog's Have Owners, Cat's Have Staff

Our life is not without some chaos. We are fortunate to have two cats: Belle and Chase. If they could talk they would tell you how well they have us trained...maybe I can explain.
Belle is a gray tabby, we got her the summer we got married. She was only 8 weeks at the time and very beautiful with her huge eyes and long whiskers. She has become the perfect cat in many ways: clean, obedient (when we're around)...doesn't like treats and has never had an "accident" involving the litter. Belle does have one problem, she's stressed. She has always been stressed, ever since we got her...and don't even try to talk her into going to the vet. Have you ever tried to stuff a 2lb fluff ball tabby into a kitty carrier? Well...don't, it's impossible, especially when you're dealing with Belle...she goes all spread eagle...four paws in all directions! So...we gave up on that. She also isn't very cuddly (probably a consequence of being stressed...doesn't like feeling confined)Trying to do cuddle Belle will only get you a scratch along with a very indignant "meow". So, we leave her alone and pet her on the rare times she comes looking for it and only around her ears.
Oh yes...Belle has us trained.

A couple of years ago (seems like forever), we acquired our other cat: Chase. A fluffy black kitty with a white tipped tail and some white splashed on his paws, Chase is the polar opposite of Belle. He is very laid back. This can be wonderful because it means you can pick him up at any time and cuddle him. He frequently makes his bed on my lap when I'm watching TV. and he's always around, interacting with us. Chase is very good at playing fetch and loves to be spun in circles while clinging to the computer chair. He also likes sitting in a box on the floor waiting for me to slide him from one wall to the next. I don't even know how I found out he likes that!? His laid back character does have a consequence and that is apathy. In other words...he just doesn't care. Chase is messy (splashes his water and food everywhere!) and doesn't listen (we tried spraying him with a water bottle when he was being worked for Belle like a charm...Chase just waits it out and promptly goes back to being bad once we're done and he's soaked!). He frequently forgets to clean himself while in the kitty litter...only to have his "cling-ons" follow him around until he's too stinky! Have you ever tried wiping a cat's butt?'s not fun. In doing so he only gets stinkier and more indignant while we spend extra time around his back end. He is also the stereotypical cat in that he has to get into everything! He's in the closets, the laundry hamper, the washing machine, the dryer...even the ceiling (don't ask) and once even the fridge! If curiosity were to ever kill a would be Chase (I'm always watching to make sure he's out of whatever he's into!)
Oh yes...Chase has us trained

The actual chaos, however, is not found in the individual characters of Bell
e and Chase but when you try and mix them. Belle doesn't like Chase, end of story....and the jury's still out on whether Chase likes Belle. Right from the minute we brought home our little black terror Belle has hissed at him. She seems to have a certain perimeter around her...kind of like a personal space. If Chase starts to invade that space Belle begins with a low growl that slowly gets louder and finally ends in a hiss if he tries to touch her. It makes me wonder Chase has actually given up trying to make friends and is solely amused by Belle and her reactions. Chase will ambush Belle, steal her sleeping spot, hog the food and corner her over and over and over. Sometimes all he has to do is look her way and simply lift a paw and Belle will hiss a menacing hiss. Then Chase will going on his merry way purely satisfied that he got the reaction he was looking for. Periodically I try and stop his little "cat and mouse" game but I always end up running after Chase who is pursuing Belle and we look and sound like a herd of buffalo's! Belle has learned to live a life on the edge, never knowing if Chase is around the corner or above her waiting for an ambush. She treads every step with utmost caution, carefully inspecting each room in hopes that it is "chase-less".
Oh yes...Chase has Belle completely trained.

Ryan has grown up with cats all his life. I have only ever had a dog and a few gerbils...this is my first experience with cats. They are so interesting and never stop making me laugh. Yes...then can be a pain. Ryan has threatened more than once to give Chase away...especially when he scratches the furniture or climbs in behind the TV. Ryan has also threatened to give Belle away...especially when it takes the two of us, one very large towel and about 45min. to get her outside the house for a visit to the vet.
But...if you pretend not to'll catch Ryan petting Belle or playing with Chase...and you'll know they've wormed their way into his heart.
Oh yes...Chase and Belle have Ryan completely trained!


Saturday, February 3, 2007

Putting the Pieces Together

Okay...Ryan is at hockey so here is my chance to blog about me!
It's funny...when people ask if I have hobbies I don't really know what to say. If I say yes, then I want to give a simple answer like: tennis, knitting or puzzles. If I say no then it sounds like all I do is eat, sleep and work.
If you know me you know I am much busier than simply eating, sleeping and working. You also know I can never give a simple is a blog about my favourite hobby. (other than reading, roller blading, horseback riding and snacking...and any craft that Martha Stewart comes up with)
I love to create tile Mosaics!
Here are my latest creations:


Dragon Fly

Oak Leaf

(oops...I don't have a picture of the finished product!)

Bluebells Mirror

(special request of my parents)

I have a few others that I didn't get pictures of because I gave them as gifts.
Maybe one of these days I can do this full time and sell them. Wow...that would be so much fun!