Wednesday, June 6, 2007

A RARE Moment

I don't have a green thumb.
I can't garden...I don't have the patience for it.
Once Ryan and I planted a vegatable garden together, I planted the carrots and lettuce, Ryan planted the peas and cucumbers. Only the peas and cucumbers came up.
Ryan said I planted the carrots and lettuce upside down and that they were infact growing but heading towards China.
Ryan has a green thumb.
Ryan can garden and he has all the patience in the world for it.
As the weather gets warmer he spends the week nights looking longingly at the lawn......wish to mow it.
He loves raking, weeding, fertilizing and watering. (AND shovelling the driveway and sidewalk in the winter!)
How did I get so lucky to marry a guy who loves all this stuff?
Well...I don't call it luck...I call it God's plan to ensure survival of the green stuff around our house!

This past weekend was our annual gardening plant the gardens around our house.Ryan spends approx. 2 months leading up to the date prepping me for it.Each time he mentions it...I cringe knowing what lies's not all that bad...once I get going...
This year we decided to document the event.Just for you...our blog readers.Ryan was up bright and early Saturday morning getting stuff ready.
I rolled out of bed...threw on some clothes and ventured outside. Yeah...not the prettiest of sights...sigh...

Even Chase joined us for the morning...of course he wouldn't have had it any other way!

Window box: Before

Window box: After

Ryan...doing what he loves.

Side Window boxes

And...the front planter.

I don't think it looks too bad...all said and done!

Love Kath